e-mail: immersivelearningctr@gmail.com
250 Georgia St., Vallejo, CA 94590
Inspiring students with S.T.E.A.M. activities and innovative technology to help them become self-directed, self-motivated and life-long learners.
Parents choose to educate their children outside of the traditional setting for a variety of reasons: academic goals, religious beliefs, social philosophy, personal needs and any number of issues.
The homeschooling movement has grown from its alternative schooling and back-to-the-land roots in the late seventies, to its current gradual acceptance by 'mainstream' families. Its clear homeschooling is not only growing, but flourishing.
ILC provides special support to homeschool students.
Homeschooling is life changing. It creates personal growth for both the parent and the child. Parents get a chance to re-discover their own special genius, while helping their children to find theirs. Nothing parents do will have a more profound effect on their children and family's future than homeschooling. ILC understands and is here to provide additional support for your student.
We have a growing list of STEAM workshops that homeschool students can attend and a wide variety of STEAM enrichment activities available for them to participate in.
Coding Workshops for Beginners
Every Friday starting October 4, 2019
10 am - 12 pm Grades 2 - 6
These workshops are designed to inspire our young coders to pursue computer sciences careers. The workshops are packed with fun coding activities and projects to motivate our young coders to create.
Home School Meet-up
Every Wednesday 10 am - 12:00 pm
Fun learning mixed with friends is always a good time. Activities include: Virtual Reality, Minecraft, Engineering Projects, Arts & Crafts, Robotics and Game Based Learning.
All grades $25
You can just drop-in
Visions in Education
Visions' families are welcome to use their vouchers during our open hours. We also have set aside time just for the home school community to meet up and enjoy S.T.E.A.M. activities together. Wednesday is your day!
We have listed some links below that may be helpful to the Homeschool Community.
Homeschool Association of California