e-mail: immersivelearningctr@gmail.com
250 Georgia St., Vallejo, CA 94590
Inspiring students with S.T.E.A.M. activities and innovative technology to help them become self-directed, self-motivated and life-long learners.
Is the garden Mother Nature's pharmacy?
Can changing your diet eliminate chronic disease?
Are you teaching your family how to live their healthiest life?
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Sign up for the NUTRITECH Program to learn how to use food to fight chronic disease and help your family live their best life.
What is NutriTech?
Immersive Learning Center developed and proposed NutriTech to be a nutritional education program that uses hands-on activities and engaging technology to teach First 5 eligible participants about healthy living to reduce chronic disease.
Why NutriTech?
According to the Solano County CHNA (community health needs assessment) Report dated 5/13/16, there are substantial health disparities between the Black and White community in Solano County.
The Black community not only in Vallejo but across the county represent a disproportionate number of deaths from a variety of chronic diseases according to the CDC publication Vital Signs article African American Health Creating Equal Opportunities for Health. Health disparities exist for other minority groups as well when compared to Whites as noted in the CHNA 2016 report.
The qualitative findings of the report states that there is "clear geographical health disparities across the county". With regard to Vallejo, zip codes 94589, 94590 and 94591 are of particular concern because the diabetes mortality rate was above the state benchmark. The report identifies diabetes among Blacks and Native Americans in both adults and youth to be a significant health need with rates nearly triple and double that of Whites. Emergency department visits for Blacks due to diabetes are triple the state rate per 10,000.
There is obviously a need for some intervention to curb and prevent the number of diabetes diagnosis and those that are not diagnosed in Vallejo. The current Covid-19 pandemic presents an elevated health risk for Blacks and others with underlying health conditions like diabetes and obesity.
NutriTech welcomes Parents and children from Project Vallejo to our March and April class sessions. We look forward to working with you to help you reach your health goals.
NutriTech Program Goals
1. Provide a nutrition education program to families with children ages 3 - 5 that will promote an increase in the daily intake of fruits and vegetables to meet the daily recommended amount to help reduce chronic disease.
2. Provide a physical activity component to help reduce chronic disease and encourage healthy living.
What to expect from the NutriTech Program
The program is open to parents/guardians with children age 3 - 5. The children are an integral part of the program as they too need to learn good nutritional habits to help guard them against chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity.
Both parent & child/children participants will attend 4 sessions that last 1.5 hours. Each session has an educational and a physical activity component. As part of the educational component, participants will learn how to:
- maximize the nutritional value of food
- use technology such as smart scale, fitness watch, iOS/android fitness apps and virtual reality to benefit their health.
- prepare meals that meet the daily recommended intake of fruits and vegetables
- use NutriBullet to aid in healthy living.
There will be plenty of fun physical activities to get everyone moving such as Xbox Kinect Sports, Shape-Up and running in Zorb Balls.
NutriTech kicks off October 10, 2020. We are accepting a limited number of participants each month through June 2021. This is a 4 week program that will meet for 4 Saturdays. There will be a group that meets in the morning 10:00 am - 11:30 and a second group 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm.
Wednesday "Smoothie Blend"
Each participant will receive 3 vouchers to participate in the Wednesday Smoothie Blend. Using the self service smoothie station to create a smoothie to go, participants can increase their fruit and vegetable intake.
Please use the registration form on this page. Once we receive your completed registration, we will send you a confirmation email with your start date & time .